Dictionary Lookup - Exploring the Depths

Exploring methods of performant Python dictionary lookups


This is an in-progress draft.


Some introduction text here.

The Bread and Butter

Let us start with a simple, nested dictionary lookup.

Find the value of our nested key


As you likely know, we will raise a KeyError exception if any of the keys within our lookup chain are missing. If we want to fallback to a default value, we can wrap this to return our default with a failed retrieval.

Example Code

default = None

    return data_dict['this']['that']['the_other']
except KeyError:
    return default

A Simple Example

Setup the example here before we define things.

data_dict is a dict where we expect in a perfect world we would have our expected structure and could simply query the deepest nested level for our_key and default to default_value. But we know we can’t expect anything either than data_dict exists and is a dict

Three example methods for key lookup

data_dict = {}
default_value = 1.0

def old_style():
    """Old style (Python < 3.8)"""
    if 'top_level' in data_dict:
        if 'lower_level' in data_dict['top_level']:
            if 'our_key' in data_dict['top_level']['lower_level']:
                return data_dict['top_level']['lower_level']['our_key']
        return default_value

def walrus_style():
    """Walrus operator cleans this up"""
    if (top := data_dict.get('top_level', None)):
        if (lower := top.get('lower_level', None)):
            return lower.get('our_key', default_value)
        return default_value

def chaining_style():
    """Chaining with object defaults"""
    return (
        data_dict.get("top_level", {})
        .get("lower_level", {})
        .get("our_key", default_value)

Try with an empty data_dict We should expect the first two to be faster as they break quicker

Timing our methods

%timeit old_style()
%timeit walrus_style()
%timeit chaining_style()
152 ns ± 0.825 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)
204 ns ± 2.71 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
366 ns ± 1.66 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

Indeed, if we do not have our initial key, our chained lookup is longer since it proceeds through multiple lookups. Our walrus method is a little slower since we make an assignment. So the simple nested hash lookups will fail faster.

Now let’s use a semi-populated data_dict We should expect some convergence on timing now that we remove the early fail

Failing early in our lookup

data_dict = {
    'top_level': {'lower_level': {'not_our_key': -1}}

%timeit old_style()
%timeit walrus_style()
%timeit chaining_style()
303 ns ± 1.31 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
373 ns ± 0.586 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
359 ns ± 0.543 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

Now we do see a bit more convergence on timing since we have to recurse with all methods. And the first method still wins by using only hash lookups as opposed to multiple rounds of assignment. What intrigues me is that the chained assignment is faster than the walrus operator method (will do some PEP research, this is a good CS exercise).

Now let’s try the last scenario when our key is indeed in our structure

Finding our nested key

data_dict = {'top_level': {'lower_level': {'our_key': -1}}}
%timeit old_style()
%timeit walrus_style()
%timeit chaining_style()
404 ns ± 5.23 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
370 ns ± 1.45 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
372 ns ± 1.74 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

Now we get interesting. If we have our key, the first method only using hash lookups is slower when we will end up getting our key of interest. We have to identify lookup, then ultimately do it all again to get our value. However, with walrus and chaining assignment, we are doing a lookup and storing of the value as we go. So when we get to the final level of recursion we can simply return what we have. We also now see that the walrus and chaining methods have equalized.

Summarizing Our Toy Data Experiments

To summarize, continual assignment works nice when we can fairly confidently expect to recurse through most of our data structure and not fail immediately. The walrus operator introduced in Python 3.8 is truly wonderful, and one of my favorite Python 3 additions (I know, you probably said Async or division). Without further testing, we are left primarily to a style decision.

While I often use the chaining approach with empty dict structures as defaults to continue the chain, and personally find it a clean syntax, the walrus operator approach has (at least) two primary benefits: 1) while debugging we would have the value of the last successful lookup regardless of where it failed, and 2) I think it’s a bit more understandable to someone who might not be as familiar with the idea of chaining an object. As an additional note regarding the first point, we could obtain the value of our last lookup by assigning it. However, when we do that, we are simply performing the task the walrus operator was introduced to provide. Another [+1] for the walrus operator method.

Further, if we would be working with large, messy nesting and performance was critical – and we will presume so – we know from many nights of banging our heads against the keyboard that we can never expect a consistent data structure. I know we are all thinking of that master piece of a JSON dump we get from some third party service we are required to utilize that contains inconsistent structure and data types. That one for which we will have to parse at 3am again and again. Therefore, our method should be performant at any level of lookup failure. Our chaining method will always get or assign all the way through the intended structure. If we expect a very large recursion, but we don’t actually have it, we would have to use the time and memory to unecessarily work through all of that failure. That would leave us with the nested if/else or the walrus style. So again, another [+1] for the walrus operator method. Are you seeing the theme?

Moving Beyond Our Toy Data - Let’s Make Some Real Improvements

We used some fixed key lookups here. This works okay for a shallow search depth. However, I would say that anything beyond four keys is a bit unwieldy. In this case, and likely if we are going to do any depth of search consistently in a a module, we should create a more programmatic approach that might step through a list of keys. I’ll end with a very quick example of how I might implement such an approach, but note, we would want to write some tests around this – it is merely a quick starting block.

A programmatic and modular method

def programmatic_depth_search(data_dict, key_list, default_value=None):
    current_depth_value = data_dict
    while key_list:
            lookup_key = key_list.pop(0)
            if not (
                current_depth_value := current_depth_value.get(lookup_key, None)
                return default_value
        except AttributeError:
            return default_value

    return current_depth_value

Then we might try the following examples:

Timing our methods

search_value = programmatic_depth_search(
    data_dict={'top_level': {'lower_level': {'our_key': 3}}},
    key_list=['top_level', 'lower_level'],
    default_value='Not Found'
# Returns: {'our_key': 3}

Timing our methods

search_value = programmatic_depth_search(
    data_dict={'top_level': {'lower_level': {'our_key': 3}}},
    key_list=['top_level', 'lower_level', 'our_key'],
    default_value='Not Found'
# Returns: 3

Timing our methods

search_value = programmatic_depth_search(
    data_dict={'top_level': {'lower_level': {'our_key': 3}}},
    key_list=['top_level', 'lower_level', 'our_key', 'fail_key'],
    default_value='Not Found'
# Returns: 'Not Found'

Revisiting an Old Friend

With the hindsight of writing a testable and modularized version of our dictionary searcher, let’s revisit our first three comparisons. We were essentially comparing by always assuming we would either find our_key and return it’s value, or it would not be found and we would return default_value. However, let’s try this:

Breaking our original functions with unexpected types

data_dict = {'top_level': {'lower_level': 1}}
# Returns: TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable

# Returns: AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'get'

# Returns: AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'get'

As you can clearly see, our fixed methods, while sufficient for our specific initital example case, they break easily. We have tricked them into finding a key at a particular level, but it is now an integer and not a dict. I wanted to highlight this to highlight that in modularizing our experiment, we also added robustness against the unexpected – something we know is key. To prove this, let’s now run this with our modularized version:

Robustness with our programmatic approach

search_value = programmatic_depth_search(
    data_dict, ['top_level', 'lower_level', 'our_key'], None
# Returns: None (our default value)


What About the Simple Approach

A simple, fixed lookup

def normal():
        return data_dict['top_level']['lower_level']['our_key']
    except KeyError:
        return None

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Comparing a fixed lookup to our programmatic approach

%timeit normal
154 ns ± 13.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)

%timeit programmatic_depth_search(data_dict, key_list)
158 ns ± 9.12 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)

key_list = ['top_level', 'lower_level', 'our_key']

%timeit programmatic_depth_search(data_dict, key_list)
156 ns ± 22.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)

Trying with a failure

def normal(default_value):
        return data_dict['top_level']['lower_level']['fail_key']
    except KeyError as e:
        return (e, default_value)
%timeit normal(1)
528 ns ± 98.3 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

key_list = ['top_level', 'lower_level', 'fail_key']

data_dict = {'top_level': {'lower_level': {'our_key': 3}}}

%timeit programmatic_depth_search(data_dict, key_list, 1)
164 ns ± 21.8 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)

key_list = ['top_level', 'fail_key', 'our_level']

%timeit programmatic_depth_search(data_dict, key_list, 1)
163 ns ± 30 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)

Breaking our original functions with unexpected types

def normal(default_value):
        return data_dict['top_level']['fail_key']['our_key']
    except KeyError as e:
        return (e, default_value)
%timeit normal(1)
390 ns ± 11 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)